“Big Brother” refers to the government in this novel. It is an almost always present entity watching your every move, controlling what you say, do, and think. Regulating every breath you take. Do I think that we are living in a so called “Orwellian” society? I think we’re coming pretty close. Our government is slowly seeping into our lives. From satellites to the IRS to our web history; from when we talk on the phone or send out an email we are no longer just talking to ‘Tom, Dick, and Harry’ “Big Brother” is also sitting in monitoring our actions trying to pick out trigger words. And yes, I understand it is for our safety and, hell, I have nothing to hide from the government, so go ahead and stick your nose into the public. I do feel more protected and safer knowing that the government is watching over us, or has the ability to track our cell phones. It’s not like they are using it to stalk us and control our everyday lives. Or maybe I’m just not bothered because it doesn’t directly affect me; it doesn’t interfere with my life. No one is shoving posters or propaganda in my face. Out of sight out of mind. I feel the same with the government’s role in airport security. I don’t fly on a regular basis. When I do I want to know I’m safe and no one on my flight has weapons of destruction mass or otherwise. I’m not bothered by the little things. So what if I can’t bring bigger than a 3 oz. bottle in my carry on. Why would I need bigger than that sitting in my seat? And I have no problem with the government continuing its path as long it doesn’t start telling me what I have to think, what I have to do, when our society starts crossing farther over the line into 1984 then action needs to start, but I’m not really worried because I feel that as Americans we are to opposed to anyone taking away our freedoms and our independence that we won’t let “big brother” be our life support keeping us functioning.