Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not So Real?

                So for this assignment I chose to watch “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”. Why you may ask well, because it always seems to be on, and my friends have subjected me to this torture on numerous occasions so I figured I would at least get some homework done along with it. Anyway I watched that two episode special on the Kim Kardashians wedding. I was stunned and am always stunned by the way these girls act on television. Yet I guess that is why people watch them. They are outrageous. Kim is the perfect “bridezilla” but can’t be too out shined by her mother. These K. Kardashian girls bring reality to a new level, or is it the same level, where you can’t be sure how real it truly is. Mrs. K. Or Kris Jenner, or whatever her name happens to be, gets a face lift or some sort of work done for her daughter’s wedding. And they film the whole thing. These women make money off of every possible thing. Which is why I’m a little peeved that I sat through those wedding episodes even though their wedding lasted all of five minutes.. they made back all the money they spent on that wedding and then some for it to end in divorce. I feel duped. I feel like the whole thing was big script and I watched it play out before my eyes.
            As I watch previews for reality TV and as I fall under the pressure and actually watch these shows (Yes, I admit, I am part of the problem) I find myself wondering how many of these people are really who they pretend to be. And I find myself thinking that 99.99999999 percent of the time they’re just getting paid to be that person. Yet we watch it anyway. We watch these shows with no plot and we enjoy them and we pay for them to keep them running. Why? Because we enjoy watching other people make fools of themselves. We enjoy watching other people get in fights or have a bad day or have a great day and go out to the bar and get laid. We are living through these other people and instead of us going to get laid we are sitting on the couch.
            It’s time to get up, turn the TV off. Stop paying for these shows by watching and supporting them, and make our own reality. I have a hunch that it might be a little bit more fun to play the part instead of watching someone else.


  1. Umm, from what it sounds like, you appear to be telling everyone to go get laid. haha. Anyways, I thought you brought up some good questions when you were on your rant about why people would watch these shows. The show you watched was one I've heard of, but now that I know what its about, I'm not sure that I'd wanna see it. Interesting Post.

  2. Cool post. I liked some of the things you said as I feel you took this in a creative direction. I really liked the ending though when you said " It’s time to get up, turn the TV off. Stop paying for these shows by watching and supporting them, and make our own reality. I have a hunch that it might be a little bit more fun to play the part instead of watching someone else." It is more important to make our own reality instead of just sitting back and watching other peoples. Sometimes we wish to be like the tv stars and do the things they do but we can't from our couches so lets get up.

  3. Like always, I love how you write your blogs. I have never watched the wedding special but I do admit to sometimes watch keeping up with the kardashians(sp?). They are an interesting bunch, and I too wonder how real or fake they actually are. The problems that the episodes center around, are the most ridiculous and materialistic issues ever.
